Call us: 01608 677208

Getting your NPPL Licence to Fly TMG or SEP Airplanes

Long before the EASA LAPL licence came on the scene, it was common for those wanting to be a recreational, hobby pilot to get their NPPL licence. It enabled those who wanted to fly within the confines of the UK but without the added expense of obtaining a full PPL (due to less hours needed).

The NPPL licence is still in some demand by potential pilots and the following training would be required to be obtain it:

  • Minimum of 32 hours flight training comprising of 22 hours dual and 10 hours solo

  • One cross country flight of at least 100nm during which a full stop landing at two different airfields is required

  • Passing all PPL multiple choice exams

Having an NPPL entitles you fly on your own or with passengers and being able to self declare your fitness to fly instead of having to have an aviation medical.

Ground Exams

The Ground Exam subjects you will need to study and pass are as follows:

  • Air Law

  • Navigation

  • Operational Procedures

  • Communications

  • Meteorology

  • Aircraft General Knowledge

  • Principles of Flight

  • Flight Performance and Planning

  • Human Performance

Medical Requirements

NPPLs require you only to self certify your fitness to fly.

Minimum Age Limit

14 years of age to start your flight training
16 years of age to go solo
17 years of age to be issued with a LAPL(A) licence

Additional Equipment needed

You can purchase additional equipment directly from us that’s required to help you build your skills and pass your flying test. We can supply you with the correct aeronautical maps,  aeronautical rulers and protractors, a flight computers/calculators for navigation planning and text books for the exams.

Why Choose Us?

We have trained hundreds of pilots over the years and are particularly adept at helping you choose the right Pilots Licence for your requirements and budget. We offer a friendly, relaxed and highly supportive atmosphere to help you pass your NPPL with the minimum of fuss. For more information please call us at the club on 01608 677208 or send us a message online.