Call us: 01608 677208

Check out the Flying Courses Offered by Oxfordshire Sport Flying… click on each icon below to find out more


EASA Courses

Minimum 30 hours Course to get your LAPL(A) Touring Motor Glider Licence

Add a TMG class rating to either your PPL(A) or Lapl(A) is easier than you think.

Get your Full Private Pilot’s Licence with TMG at Enstone

Save on the Cost of Learning to Fly an Aeroplane with a LAPL(A)

Adding a SEP class rating to either a PPL A or Lapl A

Get your Full PPL with PPL(A) SEP Training

Add a Touring Motor Glider Rating to your LAPL Sailplane Licence.

Convert your LAPL A to a PPL A by undertaking additional flight training

Convert your LAPL(A) to a PPL(A) SEP by undertaking additional flight training

National Courses

Getting your NPPL Licence to Fly TMG or SEP Airplanes

National Training for Glider Pilots to Convert to NPPL SLMG

Convert a NPPL SLMG to a NPPL SSEA

Glider Pilot Courses

Basic to advanced glider pilot training utilising motor gliders to save time

Qualify for the Cross Country endorsement for Glider Pilots

Ground School & Examination Centre

Ground School to support all courses and all subjects to PPL level.

Radio Telephony

Require a Radiotelephony Licence? We are here to help

OSF offers a full AGCS course providing both the theoretical and practical training required

If you’re uncertain which flying course is best for you please call us on 01608 677208 today.